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Wowfactor360: Comedian kenny blaq shows of pictures of his house(photos)

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Comedian kenny blaq shows of pictures of his house(photos)

Comedian cum musician Otolorin Kehinde aka Kenny Blaq has arrived into the world of successful Nigerian entertainers.

Kenny Blaq who began his career about six years ago can beat his chest now to say he is successful and we would believe him without much fuss. The comedian who now receives nothing less than a million Naira for his shows happily showed off the interior of his home and we concluded that Kenny is now living the life.
His tastefully furnished and simple home reeked of class and of course money… We couldn’t help but save some photos for your perusal.

Check them out!............

Kenny sure deserves a good sleep on a luxury bed especially after his performance at the wedding of Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote’s daughter!

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