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Wowfactor360: Literature : poem : “My Spirit” by Isaac Somto

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Literature : poem : “My Spirit” by Isaac Somto

My spirit

My spirit resembles a bottle crushed on a stone
Isolated into to pieces, you attempt to settle it
You get sharp cut and agonies
My cheeks has turned into the pathways of tears

My spirit resembles a glass dropped hard on the ground
Isolated into Pieces of which can't be settled
However, it's assembled back
Indications of the fall is self-evident
Can be clearly observed

My spirit why you wound up destroyed
Why you fell like the scriptural Goliath
Loaded with quality yet vanquished with only a Stone

My fizzled soul, why have you caused me so much tears?
So much distresses? Furthermore, unobtrusively grabbed my grins
Fell solid once, fell a thousand of times

My spirit moans, my heart bleeds,
Into the risky world I jumped;
Powerless, stripped, funneling boisterous,
Like a beast stowed away in a cloud
The dim spreads me, and I can't run now My blood running chilly

My spirit, my insight, my experience
They have all fizzled me, what would i be able to do?
Sitting tight persistently for Mans inescapable yet cruel companion
To take me of the earth, and never return
At the point when my breath will seize, and my heart seizes to beat the drum of life
Since my spirit has fizzled me 😔.

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